Paper ID: 39
Anisa Ramadhani Sahlan1 and Eddy Setiadi Soedjono2
1 Program Studi Peternakan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta
2 Program Studi Magister Peternakan, Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta
Water sensitive city is an ideal concept in the future that able to manage the water resources to become a productive city and become resilient to disasters. as one of the flood-prone cities, Surabaya city has boezem as a rainwater reservoir. This study aims to examine the potential of boezem water that can be used as an alternative water resource and determine the strategy of boezem development as an effort to become a water sensitive city. The boezem that is used in this research is boezem with a capacity of more than 50,000 m3. This research uses water quality, rainfall, and land use data to see the availability of water, which is processed by the Mock method. Analyze the results of interviews with the manager of boezem using SWOT analysis to determine the development strategy of boezem management. The result showed that the available water discharge to meet water needs was at Boezem Kedurus at 0.050 m3/second, Boezem Bratang 0.009 m3/second, and Boezem Slamet 0.01 m3/second each month. The current condition of boezem management carried out by the Department of Highways and Drainage of the Surabaya government is not in accordance with Minister of Public Works Regulation No. 12 of 2014 concerning the implementation of urban drainage systems. To develop boezem management, strategies that need to be carried out are scheduling maintenance of boezem property, building complements, and documenting all activities related to boezem management. This is the initial step to get Surabaya city to become a water sensitive city.